
Climate Change

Our commitment


The urgency to address climate change is abundantly clear, so it’s crucial we understand and take action to limit the environmental impact of our operations and the products we sell.

That’s why at Lidl, across all countries we have committed to achieving net-zero by 2050 in line with the guidance of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Our international level climate targets cover our GB own operations and supply chain.

Near-term targets:

  • By 2030, we commit to reducing our absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 70% from a 2019 baseline.
  • By 2034, we commit to reducing our absolute Scope 3 forests, land and agriculture (FLAG) greenhouse gas emissions by 42.4% from a 2022 baseline year.
  • By 2034, we commit to reducing our absolute Scope 3 energy and industry sector emissions (non-FLAG) by 35% from a 2022 baseline year.

We are proud that, in February 2023, Lidl GB became the first discount supermarket to join the WWF Basket and sign the WWF’s Retailers’ Commitment for Nature, pledging to halve the environmental impact of UK shopping baskets by 2030. Read more about the Commitment here.

Read more about the actions we’re taking at Lidl GB below.

Our footprint

Over 98% of our impact occurs across our value chain - known as Scope 3 emissions - primarily through the food and non-food products we sell. Emissions from our direct operations - known as Scope 1 and 2 - represent less than 2% of our total carbon impact. Learn more below.

Our approach to tackling emissions in our direct business

Even though the majority of emissions occur outside of our direct business, it is crucially important that we focus on reducing these as far as we can. This includes minimising our impacts by conserving resources. Between February 2021 and 2022, improved energy efficiency, more renewable energy generation and a higher mix of renewable sources in the UK’s electricity mix combined to helped us reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emission intensity by 15%. Read below to find out more about the actions we're taking on Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Scope 1 & 2

Scope 3


Our Sustainable Beef Group

We are working with one of our main beef suppliers, Dunbia, to launch the Lidl Sustainable Beef Group supporting farmers to transition to more sustainable practices:

  • Those in the group will be rewarded for achieving a reduction in carbon intensity, alongside adopting regenerative farming techniques to improve grazing management, biodiversity, and soil and water quality parameters that are unique to each farm.
  • We will also work with these farmers to improve herd performance, with all initiatives naturally helping to improve farm profitability.


eggs respon

Our responsible eggs

  • In partnership with our Scottish egg supplier Duncan’s, in September 2023 we launched our RSPCA-Assured free range responsible eggs. We have reduced the environmental impact of this product by:
    • Removing soy from animal feed and replacing this with locally grown rapeseed, beans, peas, and maize.
    • Using 100% renewable energy across the farm and at the packing site.
    • Carbon footprinting the entire farm.
    • Offsetting any remaining carbon by investing in a Gold Standard certified wind energy project in Chile and a tree planting project near the Lake District in the UK.
    • Working with ClimatePartner to certify our entire carbon footprinting and reduction process.
Our partners

 Across the sector we acknowledge more needs to be done and the drastic progress needed can only be achieved working together. We’re committed to reaching our objectives, working alongside a range of key industry stakeholders.  We’re active members in several industry groups, including WWF, WRAP’s Climate Action Working Group, the Retail Energy Forum and the British Retail Consortium’s Climate Action Roadmap encouraging industry coordination and collaboration.

WWF Basket

First discounter to join the WWF Retailers' Commitment for Nature


We're part of WRAP's Climate Action Working Group

Retail Energy Forum

We're a member of the Retail Energy Forum

British Retail Consortium

We're part of the BRC's Climate Action Roadmap