Our Commitment
We are committed to sourcing all of our roast and ground coffee from Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certified sustainable sources, where technically possible.
Supporting Fairtrade
It is estimated that ~80% of coffee is produced by 25 million smallholders, many of whom depend on coffee production for their livelihoods. Price volatility due to fluctuations in coffee production in response to weather conditions, disease and other factors, result in significant consequences for those that rely on coffee production for their livelihoods. Our commitment to certified coffee, such as Fairtrade, enables small-holder producers to have a guaranteed price that covers the cost of production. The Fairtrade Minimum Price acts as a safety net when market prices fall below a living income. Alongside, the minimum price paid for certified coffee, Fairtrade Premiums support farmers enhance productivity of production and the quality of the coffee they produce, for example by investing in processing facilities and community projects.